A downloadable game

In this game, you have to destroy the crystal at the center of the map. You have 5 goblins to help you with that, but the villagers won't let you achieve your goal. You'll have to kill them, or at least make them look elsewhere so you can approach the crystal. 

You can disguise as one of the villagers, and attack a villager to make him angry at the villager you were disguised as. That way, they will kill each others. You can also give simple orders to the villagers if you are disguised, to make them go outside of the town.

The game isn't near a finished state, but good enough to be published, and submitted to the CGJam. One week was shorter than I expected, and as it is my first game ever, I under estimated the time I would need for that project. It's probably very bugged, not that fun, but I learnt 10 times more things in a week than in the last year.


DiscordInTown.zip 39 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and Lauch the Discord.exe

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